Submit your agency

Please give our membership criteria a quick read to ensure your agency is eligible.

Please note you must have a physical presence in the Leeds City Region (as defined by the LEP map on our criteria page)

Please note the minimum requirement join the All in. Leeds Agency Community is 3 members of staff.

Working freelance/solo? Head to the Freelancers page to add your profile to our list.

  • (NB. The minimum requirement to join the All in. Leeds Agency Community is 3)
  • This appears on the agency list page, and on your agency detail page above the long description below.
  • This only appears on your agency detail page, below the short description provided above
  • We only need this so we can get in contact with you should there be any problems with your application. It is not displayed on your profile.
  • Accepted file types: png.
    Please upload a PNG with a transparent background, single colour (#575757) minimum width of 300px. If your logo does not meet these requirements we will not be able to process your application.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.